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Tenders and public procurement

All legal announcements published by the Tourist Office of Chartres Métropole

Legal announcements of C'Chartres Tourisme

Using this section, all providers can consult the public contracts and calls for tender launched by the Tourist Office of Chartres Métropole, whether for the operations of the administrative structure or for the various actions undertaken to achieve its missions and objectives.

For information, the specifications of each project stays online until the day after the date of submission of offers.


Public contracts and calls for tenders in progress

NOTICE OF PUBLIC CALL FOR TENDERS - Adapted market procedure (pursuant to Articles 26-II and 28-I of the Code of Public Procurement)

  • Identification of the district entering into the contract:

C’Chartres Tourisme - Office de Tourisme de Chartres Métropole
8, rue de la Poissonnerie – CS 10289 -28008 CHARTRES Cedex. Tel.: 02 37 18 26 26 - Fax: 02 37 21 51 91.

  • Purpose of the tender: printing of the tour guide 2018/2019 - 2 versions (French and English)
  • Type of contract: Service contract
  • Place of execution of the services: 8, rue de la Poissonnerie - CS 10289 - 28008 Chartres Cedex
  • Main characteristics: the technical elements asked of the candidates are as follows:
  • Prices based on printing, storage and deliveries for the French version.
  • Prices based on print, storage and delivery work for the English version.
  • Inquiries: Ms PESCHARD - Tel.: 02 37 18 50 35. E-mail:
  • Date of dispatch of this publication: October 26, 2017.
  • Deadline for receipt of applications: November 17, 2017 at 6 pm.