Our references

C'Chartres Tourism works with its various partners to make your visit to Chartres and its surroundings an unforgettable experience.
Throughout the year, C'Chartres Tourisme is involved in joint promotional activities to promote the town and all its new offers alongside the Club Hôtelier de Chartres, and also in collaboration with Atout France, the Regional Committee for Tourism of the Centre Val-de-Loire region, and the ADRT, the Eure-et-Loir Tourism service.
Good advice and a wonderful surprise

"The Tourist Office suggested we discover Bonneval, which most of us hadn't heard of. The visit was a really grand surprise!"
USCA society - June 1, 2017Knowledgeable guides

"We appreciated the skill and friendliness of our guides, at the cathedral, in the stained glass museum and elsewhere. At the restaurant, I asked for some changes to the menu on offer and we were not disappointed."
"Covacances" group - May 11, 2017Impeccably well-organised

"Magnificent, well-organised tours."
Nogent-Le-Rotrou social action centre - September 12, 2017More to discover!

"All the tours and visits we took during our time in Chartres satisfied the group entirely, and some have talked about their wish to return. I think we're far from having seen everything, and that your city and its region have lots more discoveries to be made."
"Amis de Cornant" group - June 15, 2017A very warm welcome

"The whole group with me was overwhelmed by the beauty of the cathedral and fascinated by the crypt. The city is beautiful both by day and by night. We would really like to emphasise the quality of our guides. And thank you for the warm welcome!"
Camper van club - May 3, 2017A great day out in Chartres

"A very pleasant and informative day. Our guide was clearly enthusiastic for his subject and approached it with lots of humour."
"Amis de la Perrine" group - April 2, 2017Excellent guides

"Wonderful organisation and perfect timing. Super guides! The 33 people in our group were delighted with our visit and this day out."
Essonne leisure committee - August 26, 2017A perfect programme

"Not too far from Paris, and an excellent, all inclusive programme."
Blanc Mesnil twinning committee - June 3, 2017Particularly well-organised!

"An excellently well-organised day in Chartres for our group"
Bagneux senior sports society- May 10, 2017Beautiful heritage

" beautiful city with outstanding heritage presented for tourists in the most agreeable way. Every effort was made to receive and satisfy our group."
Group from Argis - August 17, 2017